Travelling It happens to all of us that we have to travel at some stage of our lives in order to be collected by somebody totally unknown at our destination points. In other cases the person who collects us, is known to us, and that does comfort us, knowing there will be somebody that we know at the destination point. When I look at the inspirational image, I am not 100% convinced that the lady knows exactly what the arrangements are. I get the idea that the gentleman is explaining the arrangements to her. A client recently asked me who collects us when we die. Crossing Over Sessions Over the years I was asked numerous times: Who collects the souls post death? In almost all of the cases it is somebody that is known to the client and the departed soul. It’s mostly a father, mother, sibling or the grandparents. Exceptions I did a session a while back for a mother who had lost her 8 year old child. All known relatives for this specific child were still alive. The child showed me who collected him, but the soul who collected him was unknown to the mother. The child also showed me that he was very comfortable with the soul who collected him. Master Plan My answer was that it’s all in the Master Plan. We decided long before our births who would collect us post death. I know all of us can rest assured that the “Death Collector” will be somebody that we’ve had a soul history with, and that it will be somebody that we completely trust. Let’s return to the inspirational image: I can honestly say that we all will “get there”, regardless what the travel arrangements are. We don’t have to be uncertain about what will happen; everything is taken care of well in advance. Fear that your evil mother in law will collect you?… I doubt it.
I've decided to this note because sadly I have witnessed a lot of deaths of pedestrians which are often all too common in South Africa. Once a pedestrian has died, the soul is in shock and confused, so they reach out to nearby mediums as a source of comfort until they realise what has happened for them, till they are comforted by their guides and loved ones on the other side. I guess that I wanted to use this inspirational image as it reminded me of days through the woods that I have taken. The bench being a restful spot for those who have become weary on their journey and need to rest as in all of our daily lives. Mediums As a young medium, I couldn’t understand why souls unknown to me would want to reach out to me for assistance in a time like this. I asked my teacher about this and she explained that mediums have a sort of "light" that shines above their heads that attracts these types of souls. Sadly, there isn’t much that I can do for these souls especially when I am driving and travelling. Nevertheless, if I’m not busy then I can let them know where to look for their departed loved ones who are waiting for them and try to comfort them. Although, if they do realise that I can’t help them then they often leave me alone. "Untimely Deaths" What are “untimely deaths”? For me, I consider that these are accidents, cot deaths, short illnesses, drug overdoses and suicides with psychiatric patients. I am sure that you’d agree with me that so often it is the impact that hits hard on their loved ones who have to stay behind and deal with these feelings of grief and loss because of the unexpected nature that this has happened. And this reminds me of a time that I attended a funeral service of a friend that had committed suicide. You might be surprised to hear that he was all over the shop. One moment he was in the gallery, then at the organ and in between all the congregation. Was he sad? No he was as happy as he could be. I think that it was fortunate for the other people that I was the only once that could see his fun and games or he might have brought the ‘house’ or should that be church down with his own funeral. Master Plan Many of you will have heard me speak about the Master Plan before but it is always good to revisit this. In conjunction with our guides and other spirits, we’ve planned ahead in detail our own lives and earth paths which include the following:
So where does that leave us? I think that our lives are very much the same as the inspirational image and the different choices and pathways that we take and follow. The things that we need to learn even if we don’t want to learn. How many times have you taken a pathway and that you seem to end up back at the point you could have been had you taken a different choice? It is that master plan in you choose the wooded scenic route? Take a rest or just get going and get there? One thing that I do know is that one the choice has been made and the life lesson learned then it is the end of that pathway and time to move on to the next one. Enjoy your journey but as a pedestrian cross safely please! Hi Dear Friend, I hope you’re well, I was so happy to hear that you and the guys had such a good time yesterday. Graeme always smiles a lot after seeing you guys. Yesterday, he mentioned to me that that the session that you had had with some spiritual mediums didn’t go down very well. He didn’t go into specifics but did say that you were told about Peter’s living quarters. Seeing Peter's living arrangements isn’t any indication that he was present with the session, most psychic-mediums should be able to pick this up through your connection with the departed person. I asked Graeme if you knew that I’m a medium and his response was “Yes he was sure that you were aware that I'm a medium because I did a healing on your friend.” Nevertheless, I explained to Graeme that there’s a big difference between the two and luckily, I am both by "accident”. I will explain to you how I see things and hope it might clear up some of the confusion. A few weeks ago, I had a very bad session with a fellow “medium”. The guy told me things that I believe about the Akashic records, that don’t make sense. I am sure that you have heard of these. The information that he said was personal and in general he wouldn’t have access to it, however, when I pressed him for specific details he couldn’t give me any. The first thing that came up in my mind was. "What the fuck!” He can "Sell clients any bullshit" and the clients will believe him because he is a so called "medium". In the past, I wasn’t aware that I had medium abilities, until a friend of mine who was clued up on psychic stuff asked me one night post a few rums, how her brother died. My immediate response was that he was murdered. At the time, there was a fake medium in town that relayed very bad messages to clients. In the end these clients came to me where I offered to try and see what was happening for them in their sessions. Fortunately, my sessions went pretty well with them and that started me on my current path to developing my skills. With a session, just like in life the departed loved one might not like the medium; as such he or she won’t give their full cooperation. In general, this seldom happens as the departed loved ones are often more than happy to give reassuring messages to their cherished friends and family that have remained behind. Thinking about the process that happens, after the initial death I can do a medium session but once the funeral has been completed I don’t have access to the soul. On the other hand, post the funeral I do firmly believe that the soul goes into the Healing Halls. Generally speaking, souls stay there for about 9 to 18 months. (According to the Koran it is 9 months). Although, the length of time does often depend on how traumatised their soul is. As I said, in this healing time, I can't access a soul. Ethically speaking it is important to say to clients when they make their appointments, that if the funeral has been and gone I can only do the medium session after 18 months this is to allow the soul to be released from the Healing Halls. A number of years ago, I did astral project to the Healing Halls. I believe that this was due to my own grief after the death of a very good friend. From what I saw and felt, the environment is very peaceful and loving and I can only akin it to being in a psychiatric ward. In future, I would suggest that you always ask for references of a medium and follow them up. Like I said some mediums can "sell clients any old bullshit" and the clients will believe them because they are so called "mediums". I hope this bring you some peace of mind, I wanted to do this for you. It was my idea to help you through this difficult time that you are experiencing. If you need any further advice or help I am always here by email or phone, so please do ask. Regards Neels Upside Down I was wondering what picture I was going to use with this note. Thankfully Graeme did put this into the Image bank we use for the notes. I had a quick chat with Dave, who lost his sister Linda recently and very unexpectedly. I have decided to do the note because this is a reality that might happen to each and every one of us at any stage. Once again, it is important to interpret the stages loosely, and expect much individual variation. There is no neat progression from one stage to the next. In reality, there is much looping back, or stages can hit at the same time, or occur out of order. So why bother with stage models at all? Because they are a good general guide of what to expect. For example, generally, a long period of "depression" (not clinical depression), isolation, and loneliness happen late in the grief process, months after the tragedy strikes. It actually is normal and expected for you to be very depressed and sad eight months later. Normal Reaction Outsiders do not understand this, and feel that it should be time for you to "get over it" and rejoin the land of the living. Just knowing that your desire to be alone with your sad reflections at this time is normal will help you deal with outside pressures. You are acting normally. They just don't "get it". 1. SHOCK & DENIAL You will probably react to learning of the loss with numbed disbelief. You may deny the reality of the loss at some level, in order to avoid the pain. Shock provides emotional protection from being overwhelmed all at once. This may last for weeks. 2. PAIN & GUILT As the shock wears off, it is replaced with the suffering of unbelievable pain. Although excruciating and almost unbearable, it is important that you experience the pain fully, and not hide it, avoid it or escape from it with alcohol or drugs. You may have guilty feelings or remorse over things you did or didn't do with your loved one. Life feels chaotic and scary during this phase. 3. ANGER & BARGAINING Frustration gives way to anger, and you may lash out and lay unwarranted blame for the death on someone else. Please try to control this, as permanent damage to your relationships may result. This is a time for the release of bottled up emotion. You may rail against fate, questioning "Why me?" You may also try to bargain in vain with the powers that be for a way out of your despair ("I will never drink again if you just bring him back") 4. "DEPRESSION", REFLECTION, LONELINESS Just when your friends may think you should be getting on with your life, a long period of sad reflection will likely overtake you. This is a normal stage of grief, so do not be "talked out of it" by well-meaning outsiders. Encouragement from others is not helpful to you during this stage of grieving. During this time, you finally realize the true magnitude of your loss, and it depresses you. You may isolate yourself on purpose, reflect on things you did with your lost one, and focus on memories of the past. You may sense feelings of emptiness or despair. 5. THE UPWARD TURN As you start to adjust to life without your dear one, your life becomes a little calmer and more organized. Your physical symptoms lessen, and your "depression" begins to lift slightly. 6. RECONSTRUCTION & WORKING THROUGH As you become more functional, your mind starts working again, and you will find yourself seeking realistic solutions to problems posed by life without your loved one. You will start to work on practical and financial problems and reconstructing yourself and your life without him or her. 7. ACCEPTANCE & HOPE During this, the last of the seven stages in this grief model, you learn to accept and deal with the reality of your situation. Acceptance does not necessarily mean instant happiness. Given the pain and turmoil you have experienced, you can never return to the carefree, untroubled YOU that existed before this tragedy. But you will find a way forward. You will start to look forward and actually plan things for the future. Eventually, you will be able to think about your lost loved one without pain; sadness, yes, but the wrenching pain will be gone. You will once again anticipate some good times to come, and yes, even find joy again in the experience of living. I can only say that death does turn our worlds around, the same as the house in the inspirational image. The only difference is the house was built that way to confuse people. With death we have to work through the stages to become whole again. Only time can heal us and there is no time restriction on this. ( The Question The question always remains, what happens when we die? There are numerous books on this subject and they rarely have the same information in them, this can actually cause more confusion. I will share the knowledge that I have with you. Like always this is my own personal view. Direction Like me, I guess that not all of you are familiar with the Brighton surroundings that you can see our image. We’re not sure, if these people are going back to the beach or are they walking further along the pier to the sea? Which direction are they taking? Unlike with our own personal transitions, we can go only one way and this is forward. Transition When we “awake” after our death, we are surrounded by our Guardian Angels and known family to assist and comfort us, if we should need it. Souls in general stay on the Earth Plain until the funeral is over with. The Guardian Angels then assist the soul to the “Hospital Facility” where the souls are nursed back their original state. Why the “Hospital Facility”, I am sure you’re asking? Death is a traumatic event for the soul and some of the lessons we might have learned on the Earth Plain might not always have been pleasant. When we are ready, as souls we can move over to the next level. Planning Souls go into a resting period. It seems these resting periods may be ten times the life span the soul had, as such it can be up to a 1500 years. There are some exceptions. It is believed that people who have committed suicide return immediately. It seems that children that died young may also return quicker. In this resting period, this is where our next life is planned. Cycle Let’s check out the image again, people are walking on the pier to a direction. They have a goal in mind even though we as on lookers can’t tell from the image. The same is going to happen with all of us. We can look at others but for each and every one of us there is a clear direction even at times we can’t see it for ourselves. For many of us, death can be fearful time. Sadly, this is something we may have experienced numerous times in our own existence with loved ones but also let us not forget that this is a necessary process that we as souls have to go through so that we can face our new journey again be that beach or sea. Perhaps next time the direction might be the sea rather than the beach. Happy strolling my dear friends! Death Death is a very emotive word for many of us, yet in an uncertain world it is the one certainty that we all have. A strange paradox given that it seems to be the end. How many of us can actually remember the joy of being born? I would say that it was very few of us. So let’s think about our childhood or perhaps we have children and those carefree times that they or we have experienced. As with the rest of our lives our guardian angels are there to watch over us but in this phase of our lives they are working with the Astral plain to help us evolve our souls. Even whilst these days seem carefree and playing we are still learning and progressing towards our soul’s journey with the astral plain. Sadly, I often have had clients that ask me what happens when a child dies. I know that this is never an easy thing to accept, however, the pointers below are the way that I see it. Why? Long before our births, we have decided in conjunction with our Guides and Angels on the following:
All parties involved with the decision making, agree and accept the “contract” terms and conditions. This can take from a few hours to decades, to achieve what we need to achieve. The minute all our goals are achieved and our lessons are learnt, nothing prevents us to move to the Astral Plain. You might think that the image that I have used for this article is perhaps a bit unusual considering the subject matter, but let us check it out. It is round, made of glass and is precious, but at the same time it has strength. That strength comes from each panel and within each of these there are different shades and hues. All moving to a central position. Yet again the paradox is that we see this in a two dimensional view, yet to experience the real view we must step outside and see that it really is rising to the top in a dome form. So I guess that I am saying that from the astral plane we are looking at this from outside/in and when we are in it we are looking up – inside/out. What Now? Our Guides and Guardian Angels are always with us – perhaps you could say that they are the architects’ of our life plan. They are waiting for us; the minute we die, they are there to assist us with our journey to the Astral Plain. They may have made some good designs for us but it is the individual that builds the way forward. Parents will often challenge me with “but the child was only a few months old”, very true. We should keep it in mind, that it is an evolved soul that was trapped in a human child body. Not the other way around, the brief time that they may have been with us might have made the most impact or in some cases changed beliefs forever. Transition We should understand that this soul’s journey on the Earth Plain is complete. It was their decision to stay for this short period of time. Although, like our image, the light, colour and wonder that they gave can stay with us for a life time. Each segment is like an angel’s wing holding it together. This will be same for all of us once we die. Our angels and guardians will keep us safe and comfort us. We will never be alone. Finally, I feel that I can reassure these parents that their child is safe, well cared for and happy to complete their transition. The child is going on with his existence and sadly the parents will have to do the same. I have a great deal of empathy with the parents. I understand their loss, but sadly this is all part of their “contract” that they agreed to with their “architects”. So a final glimpse at our image, I would say that you are working with your astral architects, agreeing the designs but there is always room for some tweaking along the way when you are building, after all we all want to shine with a bright light and show our creative flair don’t we? |
August 2022
Psychic Medium Neels Els