![]() After a discussion about Old Souls with a fan Terry Hastings, she has graciously send a note with detailed information in regards to the discussion of old souls. I do think its worth the read as her knowledge on the subject is very extended. Terry Hastings · Neels Before I download the doc & read it, can I tell you what I know about myself and why I regard myself as an old soul? Compare it with what you got and tell me if I'm right. Old souls: - Even as a child very mature, take on responsibilities (as a child, I had to look after my brothers and sisters and took full responsibility from a very young age) - Being perceived by parents as a difficult child, because they cannot lie to you or fool you, you know what you know and nothing they say will convince you otherwise - Nt easy to manipulate, even from a young age onwards - Although identified as extremely bright/high IQ, not interested in school/studies and find it rather boring, just going through the motions for something that has to be done - Will only further studies in an area that is particularly interesting to you, and never to get a degree or diploma, but rather because you are fascinated by it. Once you have learned what you wanted to learn, you will give up the studies, even though you haven't completed the course - very creative, even as children - From a young age onwards, feel as if you don't quite fit in with the crowd (but not really bothered by it, you do your own thing) - a natural leader (because we simply refuse to follow haha and have no desire to fit into the mould) - have very few friends (tend to make one, sometimes two very close friends that will be your friends for life) - as and adult, we tend to go through the motions as expected by society, so as not to stand out and draw any attention. We blend in easily into any group, be it social or work - not particularly interested in the jobs we do, although we are natural leaders and naturally excell at what we do. - being bullied in the workplace, because the others perceive you as a threat, although you only want to help and be an advantage to the organisation - on the flipside of the coin, if you do end up in an organisation where your natural abilities are recognized, you are abused in terms of the amount of responsibility simply shifted your way and the hours you have to work. - natural perfectionists - we will not settle for poor workmanship - we are mostly very calm and collected - very few things can surprise or disturb us - we also have the ability to stay calm in crises/chaos and sort it out without much fuss - old souls don't trust easily - it takes us a very long time to trust somebody - if you break the trust of an old soul, you will not easily regain it (for me personally, if you hurt me or break my trust, I will walk away from that relationship and never go back, I will never ever trust you again or even talk to you again. If you pass me in the road, I will walk past you without even looking your way or acknowledging you at all) - we get hurt very easily, because our expectations of other people are always too high and they can never live up to it. One way or another, we will always get disappointed - people tend to take advantage of us, because we cannot say no - we always put other people first (which isn't always in our own best interest) - we have a unique way in dealing with death - we accept it for what it is - the passing on into another realm - not the loss of somebody, but them simply moving on - for us, money and fame and all that goes with that is not important. We concentrate on what really matters and are more interested in the deeper meaning of things and life - contrary to belief, we will actually make friends with a young soul (seeker), just to amuse ourselves. Unfortunately, we cannot spend too much time with them, because they tend to drain our energy and gets very irritating after a while - we are aware of our past lives (most of us will actually refer to past lives) - we are not interested in travelling to a place to see it for the first time, but rather because you are going back to some place of importance to you (for me, it is Machu Piccu and Pompei, I have been talking about it since I was about 6 years old, and back then very little was known about those places, but I could recall in detail much of what later turned out to be accurate descriptions of the area) - most of us are aware of other souls within our realm, souls that have not moved on (others refer to as ghosts) - I have the ability to look into someone's soul, without speaking a single word with them, and immediately make a soul connection or turn my back on them. If we connect, we will be friends for life, if I turn away, no matter what you do, you will never be my friend, because I've seen the darkness in your soul - We have very close connections to those important to us, and knows something is wrong even before we receive the call There are much more that I can add to this, but basically that is me. So tell me what you think and then I will download your notes and go through it. I believe that most of what I have said will be in your notes? T Terry Hastings · Neels I had to smile reading through your note, it was as if I had written it myself . Very interesting indeed. A fact that can be added to it is that old souls very seldom become friends with young or infant souls, we will rather be friends with mature souls. If one does become involved with an infant or young soul, it is to help them move on and learn the lessons they are suppose to. I made it a mission for myself to take on one infant and one young soul and be their mentor. That is also the other fact, many other souls see old souls as their mentor and people always turn to us for advise. An old soul that has a child with an old soul as well, recognise that early on in the child and will protect and shield that child from possible harm (although this isn't necessary as the child can do it themselves) Often we are told that a perfect job for us would be psychologist - I tend to disagree with that. A psychologist mostly has a touch of madness themselves - and are very confused about life in general. They treat patients and through doing that work through their own issues. Old souls don't have that problem - we've been there, done that. Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself, will make a neat and more complete list Monday and send to you. Take care T Terry Hastings · Neels I have to say I find this extremely interesting. In the past hour I quickly jotted down some thoughts, because I know once I go and sit down to record it all, I would have forgotten half of it. Here is a few more: All old souls love music, but we have very specific taste in music, we generally will include all genres, as long as the music speaks to us Old souls have a natural ability to pick up languages easily, we do not battle to learn a new language and mostly understand what people say, no matter which language they speak Most old souls are what is generally referred to as a jack of all trades and master of none - we can do anything and do it reasonably well, sometimes very well. I gather this is because it used to be a particular trade in a previous life that we just choose not to do in this life, but we can still do it. As for myself, I worked a lot of different trades since I left school. I started off as secretary/personal assistant then became a pre-school teacher, then worked in the hospitality trade as chef/caterer as well as FOH manager. I then moved to the retail trade and worked as receiving manager and currently I am the manager of a forecourt and Select shop. I still do catering part time and remedial teaching for less fortunate children. Most people are drawn to old souls. We are also particularly good with children and old people. Acceptance is very much part of the old soul - we are not critical of other religions or viewpoints Old souls are very seldom politically inclined - we are born politically indifferent because we know that in the end all politics are the same and all politicians inevitably become corrupt Most old souls have an inner knowledge on how to heal with herbs, spices, vitamins and minerals. We just know what is good for us and what we lack - that doesn't mean that we always take care of ourselves Maths and languages come easy to old souls - been there done that is the motto In business old souls are innovative and can quickly come up with new ideas and solutions to problems - but we will never take the glory for it, we prefer to blend in, not stand out Old souls are often described as butterfly personalities because we move from one thing to the next or one job to the next as if we have no purpose - this is mostly to either get out of a situation that has become unbearable at your current job or simply because we have become bored with it. I know that I stay max 6 months in one job, it is only the last 6 years that I have stayed with one employer, and it simply is because there has been a lot of major changes within the organisation every year with a lot of challenges every time. Old souls embrace change, we are not scared of it because we already know that nothing under the sun is new Most old souls are close to nature Most old souls I know has had a near death experiences, although it doesn't happen to all of us Old souls will carry scars from a previous life - either be born with it or get it in a different manner in this life. I was born with a mark on my leg, a very distinctive mark. I also have a scar from my right hip all the way across my body to where it ends at my right rib cage. I have a scar across my face as well as a scar across my hand. I believe all of these are scars that I had in past lives and thus I'm having it again. Old souls will recognise enemies from past lives and will either steer clear of them or will be bitter enemies in this life. Old souls can recognise evil in others and will steer clear of them Some old souls are light carriers and will actively seek out other light carriers. We have a duty to spread the light and will keep doing that as best as we can. You are a light carrier as well - you heal souls and by that you spread the light. Sometimes the light is so bright in some of us, that other souls see it as well. I believe that is the case with you - your light is so bright others see it and naturally drift towards you. With that in mind you also have to be careful not to exhaust yourself to much, because I believe sometimes you take on so much, that you battle to keep up with it and spread yourself to thin. And with that I just realised what the urgent message was that I absolutely had to give you - Do not spread yourself to thin and take on so much that you cannot keep up with it, you are exhausting your soul and is in danger of extinguishing the light. You still have much to do and many people to help. The work you do is important and the need is great. I know I sound like a crazy old witch, but thats how it sometimes work with me, I need to talk to you a bit before I realise exactly what it is I have to tell you. Take care my friend and have a peaceful weekend xxxxxxxxxx
![]() It’s been a while since we had a fun note on the page and have decided to do three ghost stories. I do find the ghost stories fascinating and have been to various “Ghost Locations”, sadly when I’m invited to the locations its always to neutralise the ghost activity. When I get to the locations the ghosts, it seems to me, are always away on a quick vacation. I’ve decided to do the story on Lord Combermere and by coincidence when I showed Graeme the note. He informed me that there where arrests made for child pornography at the location on the specific day. This photograph of the Combermere Abbey library was taken in 1891 by Sybell Corbet. The figure of a man can faintly be seen sitting in the chair to the left. His head, collar and right arm on the armrest are clearly discernable. It is believed to be the ghost of Lord Combermere. Lord Combermere was a British cavalry commander in the early 1800s, who distinguished himself in several military campaigns. Combermere Abbey, located in Cheshire, England, was founded by Benedictine monks in 1133. In 1540, King Henry VII kicked out the Benedictines, and the Abbey later became the Seat of Sir George Cotton KT, Vice Chamberlain to the household of Prince Edward, son of Henry VIII. In 1814, Sir Stapleton Cotton, a descendent of Sir George, took the title "Lord Combermere" and in 1817 became the Governor of Barbados. Today the Abbey is a tourist attraction and hotel. Lord Combermere died in 1891, having been struck and killed by a horse-drawn carriage. At the time Sybell Corbet took the above photo, Combermere's funeral was taking place some four miles away. The photographic exposure, Corbet recorded, took about an hour. It is thought by some that during that time a servant might have come into the room and sat briefly in the chair, creating the transparent image. This idea was refuted by members of the household, however, testifying that all were attending Lord Combermere's funeral. Lord Combermere was also involved in another documented paranormal incident, we will keep this for a next note. (http://paranormal.about.com/od/ghostphotos/ig/Best-Ghost-Photos/Lord-Combermere.-04z.htm) ![]() I am aware that it has been a while since one of my last notes. Nevertheless, you know that sometimes taking time out to reflect can be just as important if not more as taking a course of action. Through this deep reflection, I decided to do this note because I have found that a number of old soul friends have had similar difficulties in their lives. Looking at their circumstances, I feel that individually their patience has been tested. We always feel that we are up against time....always in a hurry to get somewhere, do something or be with someone....yet the idea of time is a ‘man made construct’. As in the pocket watch and key we are all looking to find that something that will help us understand ourselves better and bring us to a different inner place. I guess that for old souls patience has to be that explanation. Parenting Parents who have children that are old souls will tell you that it’s very easy to bring them up because these children already have a deep understanding of what is right and wrong such as it being wrong to steal and lie. Invariably, these children are very self reliant and do not need the constant stimulation that we can see in other sorts of young soul children. Relationships It is all relative.....I know that from some people’s perception that old souls could been seen to be loners; they do their own thing and aren’t bothered by the social norms of society. They also have very little interest in casual relationships with other people in their surroundings. For them, curiosity and gossiping are almost not existent; they simply don’t have the energy to waste time on this. I know that I said that they can be loners but this doesn’t mean that old souls can’t have deep and meaning full relationships, but it’s just more likely that they’ll be with each other not only in one lifetime but through several. I think that old souls find young souls selfish, irresponsible and unattractive. Old souls just don't have the energy to bother with other souls. They just want to do their own thing and not being bothered, but unfortunately in life they are not that lucky. Career With many of the people that I have researched they have often been graduates or post graduates who have finished their studies and started a career. Initially, their careers seemed to go well until they unknowingly started to threat the younger souls in their work environment. If there is one thing about old souls is that they have a mature and calm way to handle a crisis compared to the actions of younger souls as for them their past previous life experiences stand them in good stead. Some of the ways that young souls will feel threatened is that often older souls will be more efficient, better at problem solving and have good leadership skills. This jealously means that for them rather than have team efficiency it is better for them as individuals to force them out of that work environment and blame old souls for their failures. Personal lives In a number of cases, many old souls have had to put their own stable careers on hold to be there and help young souls who are keen to follow their own usually unstable career. I have seen this time and time again where the net result has been that the young soul can often only pay for the basics and never has enough money left over for the emergencies of life. Caregivers Quite a number of old souls also end up as caregivers to their parents, spouses or if appropriate their disabled children. The compassion that they have can be marked by the additional financial responsibilities that this places on them in their day to day life and sadly in the end they have to acknowledge that they cannot fix the world, that sometimes it is better that they are looked after by professionals, for example in a care home. Health As with everyone as we are all getting older and develop health issues, however with older souls I would say that stress and external factors play a significant part in their health problems contributing to the deterioration of their health. Where I live I know that often due to financial factors accessing efficient private health provision is not always an option which means that older souls are often forced back to rely on governmental health based systems which sadly are not always as effective as they should be. In turn this means that for them it can take them months to recover, jobs have been lost and forcing them to look at again for new employment. Confusion “Let’s re-invent the wheel” this could be the slogan of younger soul groups! They are so often keen to change the existing systems but forget the merits of some parts that they are throwing out which in turn leaves older souls confused and in inner conflict. Why are they in such a hurry? I guess that there is about the newness of change and the drive and power that goes with this. Change for change sakes which mean that by creating chaos, big confusion and fights is like a hurricane. People especially old souls get caught up in this yet when the storm has passed where are the young souls? They have walked away from the eye of the storm, the chaos that they have brought. Not to take the responsibility of their actions and consequences but to blame the older souls around them. All the ‘storm’ detritus has been dumped on the old soul. "Nonsense Filter" Usually I like to give some of the fans a preview of my notes and ask if they’ve any suggestions to add to the note. I had to smile with Bob’s suggestion of the "bullshit filter". As you would expect, it’s very difficult to try and lie to an old soul or to manipulate them. They have the innate ability to see the big picture and analyse the situation. One good example of this is the “Do as I say” rule that parents often use with children. The child may question why they have to follow this rule only to be greet with “Just do it”. Yet the next day the child is completely perplexed as the parent does exactly the same action that that he or she told the child not to do. In doing so, the child does not feel that they have the same level of trust and in the longer term all respect will be lost towards their parents due to these double standards. You might have seen me in this note writing questions? I guess that therefore, it is no surprise to you as the reader that old souls love to ask the question why? It’s not about just accepting what the status quo is but wanting to have a full and complete understanding. So here we come back again to what I was saying at the start. Deep inner reflection is one of the keys for old souls. To reflect, analyse and have a gut feel about a situation so that they can give a fair and evaluated feedback. Stability More recently, I had a consultation with an old soul and this really did highlight to me that their needs were basic:
Finally, reflecting on the inspirational image, I have to wonder what keys we use unlock our own can of worms as old souls. Time and time again, it is about the ability for old souls to take that deep breath again and have patience. I do appreciate that sometimes it can feel a frustrating thing but at the end of the day these are the life lessons that old souls have to work through. So with every minute and hour that man has constructed it doesn’t mean that old souls are not entitled to enjoy their lives. They just need to make the most of what they have, reflect and take time out for themselves too. ![]() I've decided to this note because sadly I have witnessed a lot of deaths of pedestrians which are often all too common in South Africa. Once a pedestrian has died, the soul is in shock and confused, so they reach out to nearby mediums as a source of comfort until they realise what has happened for them, till they are comforted by their guides and loved ones on the other side. I guess that I wanted to use this inspirational image as it reminded me of days through the woods that I have taken. The bench being a restful spot for those who have become weary on their journey and need to rest as in all of our daily lives. Mediums As a young medium, I couldn’t understand why souls unknown to me would want to reach out to me for assistance in a time like this. I asked my teacher about this and she explained that mediums have a sort of "light" that shines above their heads that attracts these types of souls. Sadly, there isn’t much that I can do for these souls especially when I am driving and travelling. Nevertheless, if I’m not busy then I can let them know where to look for their departed loved ones who are waiting for them and try to comfort them. Although, if they do realise that I can’t help them then they often leave me alone. "Untimely Deaths" What are “untimely deaths”? For me, I consider that these are accidents, cot deaths, short illnesses, drug overdoses and suicides with psychiatric patients. I am sure that you’d agree with me that so often it is the impact that hits hard on their loved ones who have to stay behind and deal with these feelings of grief and loss because of the unexpected nature that this has happened. And this reminds me of a time that I attended a funeral service of a friend that had committed suicide. You might be surprised to hear that he was all over the shop. One moment he was in the gallery, then at the organ and in between all the congregation. Was he sad? No he was as happy as he could be. I think that it was fortunate for the other people that I was the only once that could see his fun and games or he might have brought the ‘house’ or should that be church down with his own funeral. Master Plan Many of you will have heard me speak about the Master Plan before but it is always good to revisit this. In conjunction with our guides and other spirits, we’ve planned ahead in detail our own lives and earth paths which include the following:
So where does that leave us? I think that our lives are very much the same as the inspirational image and the different choices and pathways that we take and follow. The things that we need to learn even if we don’t want to learn. How many times have you taken a pathway and that you seem to end up back at the point you could have been had you taken a different choice? It is that master plan in action....do you choose the wooded scenic route? Take a rest or just get going and get there? One thing that I do know is that one the choice has been made and the life lesson learned then it is the end of that pathway and time to move on to the next one. Enjoy your journey but as a pedestrian cross safely please! ![]() Hi Dear Friend, I hope you’re well, I was so happy to hear that you and the guys had such a good time yesterday. Graeme always smiles a lot after seeing you guys. Yesterday, he mentioned to me that that the session that you had had with some spiritual mediums didn’t go down very well. He didn’t go into specifics but did say that you were told about Peter’s living quarters. Seeing Peter's living arrangements isn’t any indication that he was present with the session, most psychic-mediums should be able to pick this up through your connection with the departed person. I asked Graeme if you knew that I’m a medium and his response was “Yes he was sure that you were aware that I'm a medium because I did a healing on your friend.” Nevertheless, I explained to Graeme that there’s a big difference between the two and luckily, I am both by "accident”. I will explain to you how I see things and hope it might clear up some of the confusion. A few weeks ago, I had a very bad session with a fellow “medium”. The guy told me things that I believe about the Akashic records, that don’t make sense. I am sure that you have heard of these. The information that he said was personal and in general he wouldn’t have access to it, however, when I pressed him for specific details he couldn’t give me any. The first thing that came up in my mind was. "What the fuck!” He can "Sell clients any bullshit" and the clients will believe him because he is a so called "medium". In the past, I wasn’t aware that I had medium abilities, until a friend of mine who was clued up on psychic stuff asked me one night post a few rums, how her brother died. My immediate response was that he was murdered. At the time, there was a fake medium in town that relayed very bad messages to clients. In the end these clients came to me where I offered to try and see what was happening for them in their sessions. Fortunately, my sessions went pretty well with them and that started me on my current path to developing my skills. With a session, just like in life the departed loved one might not like the medium; as such he or she won’t give their full cooperation. In general, this seldom happens as the departed loved ones are often more than happy to give reassuring messages to their cherished friends and family that have remained behind. Thinking about the process that happens, after the initial death I can do a medium session but once the funeral has been completed I don’t have access to the soul. On the other hand, post the funeral I do firmly believe that the soul goes into the Healing Halls. Generally speaking, souls stay there for about 9 to 18 months. (According to the Koran it is 9 months). Although, the length of time does often depend on how traumatised their soul is. As I said, in this healing time, I can't access a soul. Ethically speaking it is important to say to clients when they make their appointments, that if the funeral has been and gone I can only do the medium session after 18 months this is to allow the soul to be released from the Healing Halls. A number of years ago, I did astral project to the Healing Halls. I believe that this was due to my own grief after the death of a very good friend. From what I saw and felt, the environment is very peaceful and loving and I can only akin it to being in a psychiatric ward. In future, I would suggest that you always ask for references of a medium and follow them up. Like I said some mediums can "sell clients any old bullshit" and the clients will believe them because they are so called "mediums". I hope this bring you some peace of mind, I wanted to do this for you. It was my idea to help you through this difficult time that you are experiencing. If you need any further advice or help I am always here by email or phone, so please do ask. Regards Neels ![]() Upside Down I was wondering what picture I was going to use with this note. Thankfully Graeme did put this into the Image bank we use for the notes. I had a quick chat with Dave, who lost his sister Linda recently and very unexpectedly. I have decided to do the note because this is a reality that might happen to each and every one of us at any stage. Once again, it is important to interpret the stages loosely, and expect much individual variation. There is no neat progression from one stage to the next. In reality, there is much looping back, or stages can hit at the same time, or occur out of order. So why bother with stage models at all? Because they are a good general guide of what to expect. For example, generally, a long period of "depression" (not clinical depression), isolation, and loneliness happen late in the grief process, months after the tragedy strikes. It actually is normal and expected for you to be very depressed and sad eight months later. Normal Reaction Outsiders do not understand this, and feel that it should be time for you to "get over it" and rejoin the land of the living. Just knowing that your desire to be alone with your sad reflections at this time is normal will help you deal with outside pressures. You are acting normally. They just don't "get it". 1. SHOCK & DENIAL You will probably react to learning of the loss with numbed disbelief. You may deny the reality of the loss at some level, in order to avoid the pain. Shock provides emotional protection from being overwhelmed all at once. This may last for weeks. 2. PAIN & GUILT As the shock wears off, it is replaced with the suffering of unbelievable pain. Although excruciating and almost unbearable, it is important that you experience the pain fully, and not hide it, avoid it or escape from it with alcohol or drugs. You may have guilty feelings or remorse over things you did or didn't do with your loved one. Life feels chaotic and scary during this phase. 3. ANGER & BARGAINING Frustration gives way to anger, and you may lash out and lay unwarranted blame for the death on someone else. Please try to control this, as permanent damage to your relationships may result. This is a time for the release of bottled up emotion. You may rail against fate, questioning "Why me?" You may also try to bargain in vain with the powers that be for a way out of your despair ("I will never drink again if you just bring him back") 4. "DEPRESSION", REFLECTION, LONELINESS Just when your friends may think you should be getting on with your life, a long period of sad reflection will likely overtake you. This is a normal stage of grief, so do not be "talked out of it" by well-meaning outsiders. Encouragement from others is not helpful to you during this stage of grieving. During this time, you finally realize the true magnitude of your loss, and it depresses you. You may isolate yourself on purpose, reflect on things you did with your lost one, and focus on memories of the past. You may sense feelings of emptiness or despair. 5. THE UPWARD TURN As you start to adjust to life without your dear one, your life becomes a little calmer and more organized. Your physical symptoms lessen, and your "depression" begins to lift slightly. 6. RECONSTRUCTION & WORKING THROUGH As you become more functional, your mind starts working again, and you will find yourself seeking realistic solutions to problems posed by life without your loved one. You will start to work on practical and financial problems and reconstructing yourself and your life without him or her. 7. ACCEPTANCE & HOPE During this, the last of the seven stages in this grief model, you learn to accept and deal with the reality of your situation. Acceptance does not necessarily mean instant happiness. Given the pain and turmoil you have experienced, you can never return to the carefree, untroubled YOU that existed before this tragedy. But you will find a way forward. You will start to look forward and actually plan things for the future. Eventually, you will be able to think about your lost loved one without pain; sadness, yes, but the wrenching pain will be gone. You will once again anticipate some good times to come, and yes, even find joy again in the experience of living. I can only say that death does turn our worlds around, the same as the house in the inspirational image. The only difference is the house was built that way to confuse people. With death we have to work through the stages to become whole again. Only time can heal us and there is no time restriction on this. (http://www.recover-from-grief.com/7-stages-of-grief.html). ![]() Corporate World I have decided to do this article because a few of my Old Soul Friends have the same problems at work with management. The corporate or business world is mainly driven by young souls. For some reason young souls do see old souls as a threat. You might ask why this specific photo with the article? I think Old Souls can be as isolated in the working place as this mosque on the mountain. Illness I all the cases that I have seen the old souls where traumatized with threats, ignored and even their shifts where given “away” to other employees. Why was this done? Simply because they were in authoritive positions and could do this. The old souls where under a lot of stress and pressure because of this. Under the enormous stress they were under, their health was affected. They had various illnesses that did surface. I none of these cases there was a logical explanation why they did get sick. Needless to so say medication in these cases did not work either. Solutions? Sadly in these cases there are no quick and easy solutions. The Young Souls do target the Old Souls and they make it unbearable for them to work. What happens at the end of the day is that the Old Souls do resign or their contracts are ended. If we return to the inspirational image we can almost feel the isolation of the mosque. There will never be a good working relationship between old and young souls. My advice to people in hostile work situations is that they need to get out of there. We all know it’s not easy these days to find new work but rather this then be sick and traumatized. Androjetha Botes (3 December 2012)( https://www.facebook.com/androjetha.botes?ref=ts&fref=ts)
I would like to recommend Neels to people because of the wonderful help he gave to me but in order for me to recommend him I need to tell you about my story. I was on the verge of a nervous brake down I had this num feeling in me and I didn’t had any energy in me I even didn’t care about what was going on around me it was as if I was in this big black hole, but then a relative of mine told me about Neels and that he does Healing for people so I contacted Neels via email and told him about my depression problem, by this time I already went for psychology help and even went to a psychiatrists but nothing help me they have put me on medication that didn’t help me at all. Neels did the Healing for me and today I cant even believe myself that I was in that state, I just want to thank you Neel for what you have done for me, now I feel like a new person I got my will to live back I feel full of energy and all of this is because of his Healing thank you so much. John Whistler (21 June 2012)( https://www.facebook.com/john.whistler.54) Healing, When meeting Neels I must admit that I knew nothing of spiritual healing. Through the course of several years I’ve met with therapist and doctors who prescribed medications and treatment to come to terms with my past. Though the medications helped in the short run, in the end they left me numb and unable to feel things around me. Therapy helped but often I left feeling raw and exposed. Nothing truly helped me “get over” things that happened in the past. Once I met Neels and talked about some of the issues that plagued me I asked for a spiritual healing. I was surprised to learn that this could be done remotely. The day after the healing I didn’t notice much. It was after two days that Neels asked me how I was doing. At this point I realized that the thing that constantly nagged at my subconscious had not even crossed my mind. The broken record had been turned off in my head. I no longer was feeling anxious and truly felt a sense of well being. This calm has remained with me over the past several months. The thing one must understand about a spiritual healing is that it is not a profound immediate experience. It is very subtle and gradual. I was amazed that I felt better and truly washed of thoughts and emotions that have plagued me for years. To date I’m still feeling great. Neels was able to do through God what no man has been able to do for me in the past. For this I owe him my eternal gratitude. One never knows why people enter our lives. I’m honored that Neels in now a part of mine. Sincerely, John R. Whistler. Lisa Reimer Riley (30 July 2011) (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000933947069) I consider Neels to be a very dear friend of mine. He has helped me in so many areas of my life for which I will forever be grateful. He never judges anyone and has a very open honest heart. He really cares about people and wants to help. He has amazing abilities and yet is so humble. He has helped me resolve issues from my past and has helped me grow as a person. He has helped me gain confidence and to feel good about who I am. He has taught me so many things that have made a big difference in understanding people, which makes it easier to deal with some of the more difficult people out there. He also performed a cleaning on my house and successfully rid it of evil entities that were tormenting my youngest daughter and myself. These things really do exist and thank goodness for the beautiful shining soul that Neels is. My house is at peace and so are my children and myself. Neels is the real thing....so gifted and genuine. I can never thank you enough my dear special friend. You have made me a better person just for knowing you. I will be forever grateful for your friendship. I have so much love in my heart for you, Lisa Dave Morgan (25 July 2011) (http://www.facebook.com/dmorg9) I met Neels on facebook a while back , a year or two and we became friends during the course of the friendship we started tacking some issues in my life and he did a few healings on me .as a result i have been growing and changing in many different ways,i have been feeling more relaxed with myself ,like i have achieved a deeper level of peace within myself, also i have been able to look at areas of my personality that need work and instead of internalizing or getting depressed i have begun to tackle them,instead of falling into a spiral of depression,which is a closed circle .you travel around the circle , seeing flaws then depression then being lethargic ,which makes the depression worse.i have begun to see ways around the cycle and have begun to have real growth and change in my life,it is an ongoing process,i just wanted to share this in the hopes others will see and realize there is a way out ,and also to say Thanks to Neels for his help Frank J Lee (30 January 2011) (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=594909390) . . . gloomy dark days, depression, friends gone, finacially done . . . . Purely by accident I found this here man, Neels, on facebook, why not speak to him, THE BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE . . . After telling him my whole gory story he listened an not once were I judged or remarks like " you should" were uttered. Neels promised me a healing an with doubt I said thank you, he kept his word did the healing and followed up. At first I, when the changes started taking place was very doubtful and could not place the feelings in my heart and even towards me. It hit me NEELS = HEALING, this is about 'n month ago and I can say with certainty he crossed my path with reason and I "say thank you" in my prayrers every night and through this I've come alive again . . . each new day brings with it the opportunity to begin from now and make a clean start in our lives . . . when things look dark, sometimes it just takes good friend to shine a torch and show you things in a different light . . . any fool can criticize, condemn, complain and most fools do, but it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving . . . don't stay where you are tolerated, go where you are celebrated . . . These are the thsome of the things I got from NEELS and I'd love to give back. Thanx Neelsie so very much. Tammy Erickson (15 September 2010) (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1225867818) Hey Neels. I just have to tell you that I returned to working part time recently and noticed I don't worry about office politics or any of the normal office garbage anymore. I used to get fairly caught up in things and it's such a difference in my personality (I feel there's a shield around me or something) that I've noticed and wondered why more than once. Then I remembered the healing you did on me awhile back. Is that what I'm feeling? If so I'm loving it...I'm sure people haven't changed that much since the last time I worked outside of my home office...lol Thanks Neels! YaYa LeVens (03 September 2010) (http://www.facebook.com/yaya.levens) Neels I have to say Thank You a thousand times over Thank You. It is not as though I had physical pain, but I was having some issues as our family has undergone some major transitions in the last five years, I had lost my connection to my true authentic self. Well three days ago after you had done the healing which by the way I didn't know; I woke up with a sense of lightness and I had a thought of today is a choice and I can make the best of it, I can live in love and it is by choice. See I am a believer in the law of attraction and have utilitzed it throughout my life but I was having a difficult time staying in that place. I can tell you that although yes there are obstacles in life I am not easily beaten down by them and can take myself to the place of changing the thought process much more quickly. In the last three days I can tell you that a lot of positivity has been coming my way and I thank you cause I am back in touch with me an who I truly am. This is how life should be, it is only as much of a challenge as you make it and with someone like you it will be much simpler to stay in this place. Namaste' to you my friend..... Angie Jan Fourie (15 June 2010) (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1265210524) Hi all, I want to give a Review on the Healing that Neels did on my Father In Law. Background. My Father in law has been suffering with his back for some time. The pain was so bad that he sometimes sat outside with pain going down from his back down to his legs. People I teel you that this was so bad that at a stage I Injected him on a daily basis with Voltarin. He went for the operation about 6 years ago and pain was gone for a while. Then it started all over again. We started with the injections all over again. first it was 1 time a week and ended up to 3 times a week. Every step that he took started with pain. Healing I contaced Neels after and got permission from my father in law to do the healing. The pain started to subside and eventually the injections were not needed anymore. About a week ago we were talking to family and one asked, "How is that back of yours doing?" He immediately responded, "I woke up one morning and all the pain was gone from my back" Outcome You would not believe the "other" person my father in law is today. His back is pain free. Thanks Neels you are truly a gift. Deco Veltri (05 April 2010) (http://www.facebook.com/piteco.stalopitekus) Neels is 'shining or lightning person' I would like to find an explanation to describe him. English isn't my first language and I have been in California/USA and Neels is present and great gift of God for me. Helped me and healing me and I am getting better and better. He deserve more than stars. Wonderful man with a good human heart. Thank you. I'm proud to be your friend. ![]() I’m often asked if there are reoccuring paterns in the old soul group. Here are some of the paterns that old souls have to deal with. I've decided to use this 'lion in the water' inspirational image in the Okavango Park in Botswana. We all know that cat species aren't very fond of water but when survival is a must.....they'll jump straight into the water! I think old souls don’t always concentrate enough to prevent obstacles in their lives. They often jump in and do things with a passion just to get the “job” done. Giving And Caring Often put other people first and then neglect to look after their own well being. This can happen every day in every aspect of life. Romantic Life Had a difficult romantic life with a lot of pain and disappointment because the partners did not meet their standards. Old souls do have large expectations from their partners and disappointment does not sit well with them. Soul Mate Relationship Quite likely had a soul mate relationship and due to this can’t move on with the next relationship. At the end of the day none of the relationships lasts. Out Of Control Situations Things just seem to happen to them and around them, often becoming very dramatic through the seemingly extreme reactions of others. Repeated Events Going from one bad relationship to another or more likely in work environment, go from one unstable employer to the next one and at the end of the day they sit without a job. Trouble Connecting With Family Due to reoccurring unpleasant events old souls will avoid family. They will only forgive so many times, the next time they do decide this case is not worth the effort. Different From Other People They will rather keep quiet and walk away than end up in long arguments when they know what is right. Psychic Intuition Ask any parent who have a psychic child what a nightmare it is to rear them. They simply just know things and lying to these children is a disaster because they know what is the truth. Emotions And Passions They have deeper emotions and passions than most people. Friendships between old souls are more intense that with any other soul groups. When an old soul starts a project they will finish it more likely than other souls groups. The difference here is the old souls would not be at the top ten of the class but the project would be completed. Extreme Reactions People will either adore then or hate them, regardless that they treat people the equally. Creative Passion They have an inner creative passion and they can live this out in a career or in their leisure time. Jealousy Suffer lots of jealousy from others and at the end of the day the old soul can’t understand why this is happening. They do their own thing and go on with their lives. Wrong Perceptions They are often perceived wrongly because they have a honest way of saying things, offence where not their intention. Younger soul groups do not understand the old souls and think they are rude. Forced Situations They feels if they don’t have much of a free will and events are controlled by some outside force. Feeling Stuck They often feel ‘stuck’ because events just keep on happening to them time after time. I think a very valid example of this is to keep your job with the shrinking worldwide economy. Rejection They often feel rejected because they want meaningful relationships and other souls groups don’t understand this. Other soul groups do expect old souls to lower their standards for “meaningful” relationships. If I return to the inspirational image I can only say take the bull by the horns or like the cat to the water, work through the “obstacles”, make the best of it. But do understand that other soul groups will never understand old souls. Try to obtain a balance and live in harmony. ![]() One of the fans on the Fan Page asked me to do a note on this. Sadly when a relationship goes wrong for an old soul it goes very wrong. People think old souls are simply moving on but there are a lot of emotions involved for an old soul. If we look at our inspirational image you might ask yourself but why the chickens. I think stay with me and you will understand better when the article is finished. On my grandmothers farm there was one specific hen that was breeding month in and out. Although, not a single egg hatched. One day my grandmother informed me that she caught the hen stealing another egg and she was sat this time only on the stolen egg. The egg hatched and she raised the chick. The chick became a beautiful cockrell at the end of the day. The hen never permitted the cockrell to socialise with other chickens and she made sure he slept with her every evening. This went on till the hen died of old age. Relationships that can be ended Old souls have intense relationships with a lot of love, empathy and trust. Once this trust is severed there are serious obstacles ahead and it is very seldom that these relationships can be mended. Once the old soul has made the decision to end their relationship there are a number of emotions involved. Disgust, anger and hate are often the most prevalent. The person feels cheated out of a relationship where the other partner broke the trust and couldn'tt re-establish the trust. This can happen when there is a third person involved, abuse, lies etc. In some cases, there's no remorse about the trust that was broken and this doesn't sit well with the old soul. For many old souls, they have a lot of emotions to deal with, the love might still be there. Nevertheless, it’s the other negative emotions that help the old soul to move on. It can take years for the person to heal completely. Relationships that can’t be ended Then you get the relationships that can’t be ended because of mental and physical illness at a later stage in their lives. In today's world, we often expect society, children and/or a healthy parent to look after a sick parent. With the trust gone, often the respect for the person is also gone. The old soul is forced to care of the sick partner who they no longer have feelings for, apart from anger and disgust. It is expected from the healthy person to do this with love and compassion that is no longer there. At the end of the day the old soul ends up feeling guilty and ashamed about these emotions which were not their doing in the first place. The person end up being traumatised more than once, first when the trust was broken and now the guilt. Is there a way to remedy this? No, when the love, trust and respect is gone the only thing a person can do is accept their own feelings and not feel guilty about this. It is not the old soul that started these emotions. Master Plan If we return to the inspirational image, some people do end up as the mother hen but unlike in the case of the hen, these old souls are “forced” to do the hen work. It all comes back to the Master Plan “All parties involved with the decision making, agree and accept the “contract” terms and conditions.” In the end we did agree to come and learn this lesson. |
August 2022
Psychic Medium Neels Els