One of the fans contacted me, post contacting a psychic via the internet. The psychic replied with the following:-
Then the fan had the following options to choose from:-
There is also a detailed form with personal details to be compiled, there are numerous Astrology Programs that can be bought over the counter and I suspect these details are used for these programs. At the end of the day, clients that do pay for this, get a “report with general info”
If we look at the options in the list, I can only say if these psychics had all the answers to people’s problems why are they still working and not retired and wealthy? Things goes wrong in life, if we don’t have our cars checked by a mechanic before a long trip, chances are very good that something might go wrong. Is this bad luck or laziness from our sides? This does not mean that evil attacks us! These services also cost an arm and a leg, they are not cheap. The thing to do these days is to give people a “Free Mini Reading”, shock the living daylights out of them and “force” them to do a full reading. Why don’t I do mini readings? In the first place they don't give an overall view of what is expected in the future. A good example of this is..... “There is financial difficulty for you in January and a lot of stress on your marriage.....”, yes we overspend over Christmas and the children needs to go back to school. With the next pay cheque everything is fine again. If any person starts to threat you block their emails. Don’t fall victim to this. Before consulting with a psychic check out the references and make sure the psychic is genuine and has your best interests at heart.
Reading At What Cost? There are so called psychics out there on the internet that offer free readings, the first one is free but I have to say it often comes at a price with threats and foreboding. By not following up on the reading bad luck will follow. Please don’t fall into this trap and be milked out of your hard earned cash. Numerous fans on this page have been threatened with spells and such it has been up to me to undo the work of bad healers and psychics. I would have to ask.... Why would a psychic need a completed form from you to do a reading? If I can be of any assistance then you only have to ask. I am here for you. Quite a few of the fans on this page have had bad experiences with fake “psychics”. If a psychic doesn’t allow you to relax in less than 5 minutes after starting the consultation, then my advice would be to make a move.... and fast! Spirtuality and/or Religion? As you know I love using images to make a point and you might think that this is one of the oddest ones to use, especially as it has religious overtones. In fact that is exactly the point; many people confuse religion and spirituality which are totally different. Let us look again at our inspirational image....there are various faces on the glass the same is true for psychics, there are many around but not all are working to the central spiritual core. In essence, I think we must all find a balance and choose one that works for you. The only time it is fair for a psychic to ask questions is when he/she needs information to clarify a statement that he/she should make. Genuine psychics don’t need to ask you questions before a reading and if they are genuine they will be able to tell you some personal things about yourself such as your sexual orientation or perhaps a personal trauma that you might have experienced etc. The information should not be vast amounts; it is making sure that they have established a connection with your soul. WARNING SIGNS
On the last item I want to elaborate a bit. Info is either revealed to the psychic or not. To be honest I don’t think there is a thing as privileged information for later use. Should you not be satisfied with the reading the first time chances that you questions will be answered the second round is very slim. In the Round To return to the inspirational picture, there are no secrets behind the stained glass and neither will the psychic receive secret messages. |
August 2022
Psychic Medium Neels Els