![]() Fortunate? I had always wanted an African Grey parrot, because they speak “so well”. The day that I bought her, I was advised to take a female because somehow they work better with the opposite sex. Fortunately, I was lucky that I was blessed with a very good speaker! Natasha my parrot starts at 04:30 in the morning and continues to talk until 20:00 at night, nonstop! She definitely drives me crazy sometimes. First Word It is scientifically proven that the African Grey can actually have a conversation. The average word count that they can speak is around 1800 words and they can live up to 80 years and more in captivity. Although with their words, they can be choice at times! For example, Natasha was not very fond of a friend of mine. When he put his hand out for her to climb on to, she said f**k off and she refused to climb on his hand. I can assure you that this is not something that I taught her! Rainbow I was advised to get another parrot to keep her company and felt that a Senegal parrot would be the best choice as they’re true parrots who can also talk too. I named him Rainbow because of his colouring, however unlike Natasha he was tamed as an adult bird and not hand reared. Natasha told Rainbow one day “come and scratch my head”. He didn’t understand her and as such didn’t respond. She asked him a second time, after no response she looked him straight in the eye told him “f**k you”! Poor Rainbow! Psychic Animals As a medium, I’m used to souls around me at all times. So I have to say that it did come as a complete surprise when I realised that Natasha could also not only see souls but speak to them as well. At the last count, I think that Natasha has about fourteen spirit friends of which her favourite seems to be someone called Ilse. The latest addition to her growing ‘family’ is Kokkie. Her ability to speak English is all the more remarkable when you realise that the first language of the house is not English but Afrikaans. So from what she has said, I understand that she has learnt her English from a spirit friend called John. Seems that he didn’t hold back when it came to teaching her some choice swear words! Lately, there’s been a new development where Natasha has been starting to mix both Afrikaans and English into a sentence, all the more remarkable is that provided that you understand both languages it makes complete sense. Here is an example of something that she might say....."Wat maak jy, you are irritating me." (What are you doing, you are irritating me) People that know me well can testify that I can be a very fast talking in any language, however Natasha can beat me hands down as she uses four voices of which one of them is so fast that not even I can follow her conversation! The strangest thing Natasha said was “Let me take you to the loo although I only have one or two drops”. The thing that fascinates me about this is that she is relaying the information from one of her spirit friends. The word “loo” is not a common word that I would use either, especially as it is not a South African word more British than anything. Natasha can be a terrible gossip all day about her spirit chums and this is the reason that she talks all day from dawn to dusk. Lately she has been talking about the sandman which is something that is usually only used around small children. I don’t have children myself and have never mentioned this to her. I am sure that you would agree that she is very unique, a friend of mine who also has raised numerous parrots in his life said that even for him she is a bit of a scary bird with the information that she has given out. Troubled Souls At times, I can have troubled souls around me. I think that Natasha too has also picked up on this and often she acts in a nervous way which also confirms for me that they are around. Remember that I said that she loves to gossip! Well one thing I’ve learnt that having Natasha around she is guaranteed to repeat things. Her latest favourite English bit is “Hello Graeme, how are you? Ok Ok bye-bye”. Now I will hold my hand up to that one and say that I do say that on a regular basis but just goes to show you, you never know what your pets are picking up on and in my case gossiping back! I’d love to hear from other fans that are pet owners and hear their experiences perhaps psychic or not. I just hope that yours are perhaps not so choice and vocal with their words! Yes she might drive me crazy but I wouldn’t be without her.
August 2022
Psychic Medium Neels Els