![]() Healers I often worry about clients that go to healers. How are they treated? What results do they get? I think that this is only natural like our shepherd here herding his goats; he only wants to protect and do what is best for them. Healing Process I have completed numerous healings on clients, which have produced fantastic results. Prior to the healing, I have discussed with the client what they are seeking to achieve. To my recollection there has only been one case that I had to do a follow up session with the client due the severity of that case. In other words, I am able to deliver the required results if not more than what the client was expecting. Increasingly with modern forms of communication as in social networks, such as Facebook, many psychic healers and I include myself in this; don’t need to touch their clients and use the form of distant healing. The key to this process is that the client must give their permission to the healer to do the healing; in some case the healer may require a photo but this is not always needed, it is about tuning into the essence of that person, understanding their needs and the best way to help them with the issues that they are presenting. Good Guidelines Here are some guidelines to follow for a good healing:
Best Interests So make sure that the healer you have, has your best interests at heart. Like with our trusty shepherd that protects his flock, we all need to feel that we are safe, cared for and going in the right direction.
![]() I always make it very clear that I am a Psychic Healer. I seek to help people to ‘spiral up’ in their lives. I am not a Psychiatrist, Clinical Psychologist or a Psychotherapist. I seldom interview people before I do a healing. In the majority of cases I only do one healing. This gives the clients the results they need enabling them to go on with their daily lives. If a client chooses to undertake professional treatment, I always stress to them that the healing that I do is complimentary and not a substitute for any other cure. I often work with a fellow sixth senser who is called Naz and it interesting to compare notes on what she has sensed with the session both privately and also with the client if they wish this. One of my client’s that was under a lot of stress was called Peter who I also knew from the other work that I do. Often he felt depressed and with many spiralling emotions which came on suddenly and as such sort the advice of a Psychiatrist. He was immediately prescribed medication, but the results were only expected 14 days after he started the treatment programme. At one work tea break, Peter confessed to me that the results seemed to be very slow and that he felt like he was in a black hole. I offered to do a healing on him. Nevertheless, being a sceptic, he immediately and very politely declined. The next day, I was surprised as he asked me for an urgent appointment. I arranged it with Naz for the evening because I could sense his desperation. Peter was on time and seemed to be stunned when I directed him to the guest bedroom and told him to lie down and rest. Once we had finished, then we will give him a shout. After the meditation and the healing, I called Peter to the lounge, and asked him, if would he be interested to learn more about what went on in the healing session. He was astounded with the specific details we were able to give such as key issues with his difficult childhood, his abusive wife during their marriage, to name just a few. The next day at work he claimed he was 100% fine. Although, he did continue his treatment for a further month, his Psychiatrist declared he no longer required any more consultations. Even until this day, he has never had any more problems with depression. Oh! And the added bonus....we became firm friends too. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL CLIENT NAMES ARE SUBSITUTED AND NOT THE ORIGIAL NAMES FOR CONFIDENTIALITY REASONS. |
August 2022
Psychic Medium Neels Els